Thursday, March 31, 2011

The right track

What's up people...

There was a time I had the extreme passion and motivation to improve daily life, creates more opportunities for others, change the world.. Well actually, to be successful, heh! Though having that kind of mindset was good, in terms of making money. However, it seems to be making me to be more forgetful... about family, health, friendships, romance(heh) and stuff.

It's okay, I'm still young! More to come and go, experience gaining though. Life's good, short. Appreciate things around you, do not care if it's either good or bad, it is part of the thing. *OMG, why am I being so old and the thinking right now* lol.

To make it short and simple, have the right attitude! So don't mind me if what am I saying is offensive. *I know it's not, I'm just being friendly* Haha.. (:

For now, I'm an employee, that's not the end yet, I am unbeatable though something happened last time. Till my college ends, see me in TV yeahhh, sharing the secret of success, Haha (;

Alright meet me the next stop. =)

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